Rolled-up Instruction Line Items

The following financial instruction line items can be rolled-up into a single payment received instruction.

Table 1. Rolled-up Financial Instruction Line Items for Payment Received Instruction.

This table describes the financial instruction line items that can be rolled-up into a single payment received instruction.



Created From

Payment Received ILI (Unallocated Payment Received)

An amount received by the organization from a person, employer, or unknown source that has yet to be allocated toward an outstanding liability.

Receive Payment Process

Allocated Payment Received IL

All or part of a payment received that has been allocated toward an outstanding liability. Payments received can be allocated towards liabilities as part of receive payment process, thus getting rolled-up in initial payment received instruction.

Allocate Payment Received Process

Deduction Payment ILI

This is the amount equal to the third party deduction applied to a benefit which is automatically rolled-up into a payment received instruction so that it can then be allocated towards outstanding liabilities.

Secondary FC during Payment Generation

Refund ILI

All or part of the unallocated amount of the payment received that has been issued to the client. If a refund payment has been issued, it will be reflected on the payment received instruction.

Refund Unallocated Amount Process