Approving Suspended Payments

In an integrated financial environment, while a group of instruction line items are being transferred to the ERP financial system for further processing, they are evaluated as a group to check that they do not violate the payment suspension business rules. If the group of instruction line items being checked have been found to meet the suspension criteria those instruction line items are suspended.

Suspended instruction line items are still transferred to the ERP financial system but they will be explicitly marked as suspended. This indicates to the ERP financial system that they are not to be processed until such time as they are approved. Since the instruction line items were evaluated as a group this grouping information must be retained. Each instruction line item in the group is marked with the same grouping identifier. This allows the application system to present this set of instruction line items as a "virtual" payment and therefore present the "Approve" or "Cancel" options, the follow up actions required by a user after investigating a suspended payment.

The case nominee will not receive a suspended payment unless the payment is approved by the organization. Approving a suspended payment tells the ERP financial system that these suspended instruction line items are now available for further processing. Canceling a suspended payment follows the same process describe above for canceling a payment.