Mandatory Verifications Applied to Integrated Case and Shared

Lisa is a registered person with two integrated cases. There is a mandatory income verification requirement on both integrated cases. Case A requires verification using a pay slip, Case B requires verification using both an employer letter and a pay slip. Lisa provides new income evidence to Paul the intake worker

  1. Lisa has a meeting with Paul and provides him with information about new income.
  2. Paul adds this income evidence to Case A. When this income evidence is added, a mandatory outstanding verification is created on Case A, stating that verification by pay slip is required. Lisa provides her pay slip to Paul.
  3. Paul adds the pay slip verification document to Case A, which satisfies the verification requirement and he activates this income evidence.
  4. The evidence broker then shares this new income evidence and its associated verification document to Case B. This assumes that brokering has been configured between these two integrated case types for the income evidence type and also to share the verifications with this evidence.
  5. The income evidence appears as incoming evidence on Case B. Paul accepts this incoming evidence which includes the pay slip document. The verification processing results in the following:
    • The pay slip verification item is a requirement to satisfy income evidence on case B and as this has been shared from Case A and accepted on Case B, that requirement is satisfied.
    • The employer letter verification item is a requirement to satisfy income evidence on Case B also. As this was not required on Case A, it was not captured at that point. Therefore, Case B will have an outstanding verification required to satisfy full verification of the income evidence. Before the evidence can be activated, Lisa must provide a letter from her employer
  6. Lisa returns to the agency the next day with a letter from her employer. Paul adds this verification document to the income evidence on Case B. Both verification requirements are now satisfied and the evidence can be activated.