
There is one questionnaire for Asthma which has 3 questions.

Q1 - What step of the treatment plan is the claimant on?

Q2 - What is the claimants peak flow/FEV1 reading?

Q3 - What are the effects of the symptoms and signs?

The questions are non-mandatory and answers can be sought from a number of sources. If answers obtained from the claimant are insufficient to reach an outcome, questions not answered may be submitted to a third party, for example a doctor.

The caseworker must manually select which source of evidence they wish to use to make a decision, i.e. the doctor's answer or that of the claimant. This is different from automatic consolidation, where the latest answers received would always be accepted.

While the same questions are asked of both male and female claimants, the answers are interpreted differently. For example, a Peak Flow of 100 litres/min may be small for a male, but average for a female.