Decision Matrices

As different rules will be used for the male and female claimants, two different matrices are required in the two determination packages. They will however both be configured in the same way.

A single outcome is produced from this assessment from the combination of the answers given. Therefore the Multiple Outcomes Indicator is not set. No scoring is required in this Assessment therefore the Cumulative Score and Score By Outcome indicators are not set.

Contradictions can be produced if the combination of answers is unlikely or inconsistent; in this case, it is inconsistent that a client is engaged on a late stage of a treatment plan when he has a maximum lung capacity (peak flow reading). Therefore contradiction combinations are required in the matrix.

Outcomes would then be added to the matrix in order of priority. For this medical assessment, Severe has the greatest priority, and this would be added first followed by Moderate then Mild.

Finally, the rules which generate the outcomes are added in the form of combinations within each outcome.

  1. From within the determination package, select New Decision Matrix
  2. Enter matrix details:
    • Name Asthma Female
    • Type Medical
    • No indicators set
  3. Select the matrix from within the Decision Matrices cluster
  4. From the decision matrix page, select Edit Matrix Data

    The decision matrix editor is now launched.

  5. Select the Question action button
  6. Select the Asthma Adult questionnaire from the drop down list.
  7. Select all questions and add them to the matrix. The questions with numeric responses (questions 1 and 2) are initially added with a single answer. The question with a codetable answer (question 3) is added with all three possible answers.
  8. For each possible answer to a question which will be used by the logic, left click the row heading and select Add Answer. Where the answer data type is a number, either enter a value or a range, using the answer context menu to select either Use Min/Max or Use Value. Add as many ranges as required by the assessment rules. For example, for question 2:
    • First answer, select Use Min/Max, enter 0 to 249
    • Add Answer, select Use Min/Max, enter 250 to 449
    • Add Answer, select Use Min/Max, enter 450 as the lower bound; leave the upper bound blank to indicate "anything above 450"
  9. Select Add Contradictions.
  10. For each sub column, select the combination of answers that should lead to the contradiction outcome, for example:
    • IF on step 5 of the treatment plan, AND peak flow / FEV reading > 450
  11. Add further combinations as required by left clicking the column context menu and selecting Add Combination.
  12. Select Outcomes, and select the outcomes of Severe, Moderate and Mild to be added to the matrix.
  13. For each outcome, add combinations for each rule by selecting Add Combination from the column context menu. Select answer combinations using AND and OR logic as required, for example:
    • IF symptoms occur daily, major effect AND on step 3 or 4 of treatment plan OR on step 5 of treatment plan => Severe outcome
  14. Save the matrix, using the Save action button, ensuring no validation errors are present, and exit the matrix editor.
  15. From the decision matrix home page, select Release.
  16. The determination package can now be released; from the determination package home page, select Release.