Determination Configuration and Determination Packages

A determination configuration can be created from the Home Page of Decision Assist. This will be an assessment with a single type of determination within it (Medical), which may need to be reassessed following changes of circumstance over time. Therefore the Standalone and Allow Change of Circumstances indicators should be set.

Information may come from a number of sources, therefore the multiple sources indicator is set. The caseworker selects which source of answer to use (Client or Third Party) to make a decision, so the Automatic Consolidation indicator should not be set.

  1. From the Decision Assist shortcuts panel section, select New Determination Configuration
  2. Enter the configuration details:
    • Name Asthma Adult
    • Type Medical
    • Multiple Sources indicator set
    • Standalone indicator set
    • Support CoC Processing set

    As mentioned previously, the answers to the questions vary depending on gender. One of the questions asks about Peak Flow, and this is assessed differently for males and females due to differences in lung capacity. Therefore two Determination Packages are required. These are differentiated by gender, and so this criteria is added when setting the determination packages up; one Determination Package with gender = Male and the other with gender = Female. The appropriate Package will be picked up at runtime based on the claimant's gender.

  3. From within the determination configuration, select New Determination Package
    • Name Asthma Female
    • Gender Female
  4. Repeat for the Male determination package

We are now ready to add questionnaires and rules to the packages.