
Questions are the means by which evidence is collected to make a decision for the determination-based assessment. Therefore questions from IEG questionnaires that have been configured for the determination package must be added to the matrix in order for the logic to be configured for the outcome.

Only questions that are relevant to the decision type should be added to the matrix. For example, if the decision to be made is on the severity of the Asthma medical condition, only those questions relating to Asthma medical condition are added to the matrix. These questions will appear as rows in the matrix. The determination decision is based on the answers given to the questions added to the matrix.

Questions from more than one IEG questionnaire can also be added to the matrix. This questionnaire must already has been released before the questions can be added to the matrix. The reason for this is that changes could have been made to the questionnaire, and therefore the decision matrix configuration may become invalid.