
There is a context menu available for the questions in this column:

Table 1. Question Context Menu items
Name Description
Add Answer

This menu item is available if the answer is numeric. This action allows a user to add an answer to a question. A 'Value' answer is added to a question by default. This supports logic such as "If Question 3 answer = 2". This can optionally be changed using the answer context menu to be a 'Min/Max' answer. This supports logic such as "If Question 4 answer is greater than 200 and less than 500".

If the question is of boolean type, it contains two answers by default (true and false), and more answers cannot be added. In this case this menu item is disabled.

This menu item is not available if the question is of type codetable. The maximum number of available answers are added to a question by default.

Restore All Answers

This menu item is available if the question is of type codetable. The maximum number of available answers are added to a question by default. For example, if the codetable contains seven values, a maximum of seven answers can be added to a question. These answers will be automatically populated when the question is added to the matrix. The user can then remove the answers they don't wish to include in the matrix logic.

If a user chooses to delete some answers this menu item is enabled and allows a user to restore all the original answers. Otherwise this menu item is disabled if all the answers have been added.

Delete Question Allows a user to delete the selected question from the matrix. The question and all its answers are removed from the matrix.