Recording Third Party Answers

As mentioned in section 3.2.2, a determination configuration can be configured to collect evidence from multiple sources. To support this, question aliases can be configured in IEG2. Third party requests can be created by the user, by selecting a list of questions from the questionnaires. Questions for which answers have not been recorded as well as those that require a second opinion can be selected to be sent to the third party.

Once the questions for which third party opinions are required have been selected, the third party request is recorded on the system with a status of 'Not Sent'. When the user selects to send the third party request, the status changes to 'Sent', though it should be noted that currently no communication is automatically generated by the system. When the responses from the third party are received, the user can record the answers against the questions. Answers can be recorded from more than one third party for a question.