Decision Assist Assessments

An assessment configuration holds the data based on which assessments are created in the case management application. After setting up the Decision Assist Administration components, the determination configuration must be related to the assessment configuration. The type of the assessment must be set to 'Decision Assist' in order to create determination-based assessments. Assessment configurations of this type can be created from the case section of the Administration application or from within the Decision Assist component. The homepage identifier must be set to the relevant determination-based assessment home page. Out of the box, the home page identifier supported is DA_resolveAssessment.

Determination-based assessments can be created for an integrated case, product delivery case or an investigation case. To support this, the assessment configuration has to be related to all these case types. For example, when associated with an integrated case type, a determination-based assessment can be carried out at the integrated case level. Each of the household members in that integrated case can be assessed as individuals.