Outcome Plan

Based on assessment information, a caseworker develops the outcome plan for the child and family. Legal authorities may review outcome plans, and in fact, the plans may be considered legal court documents. Plans must be understood by all family members with tasks and responsibilities clearly identified. Parents and/or guardians are asked to participate in the planning process and sign-off on the plan. Outcome plans are monitored and updated on a regular basis and may be changed when circumstances change. The planning process also addresses service needs and the selection of the services. A caseworker can select from services listed in the CPM services registry or the service can be recommended by the system and subsequently selected by a caseworker. The service can be created for multiple clients or for one single client. Service options are configurable.

For children in out-of-home placements, visitation plans are developed to specify and describe planned interactions that occur between the child in out-of-home placement and family members (parents or relatives) or other participants. Visitation plans, which can be court ordered, or mutually agreed upon by the agency and the family, typically specify when, how and where a visitation occurs as well as the frequency and the duration of the planned interactions. When creating a visitation plan, the caseworker must identify the participants involved. A child can have multiple visitation plans active at any time. Visitation plans are integrated into the outcome planning process for child welfare and also include the contact management feature, which tracks the actual visits completed in accordance with the visitation plan.