Product Delivery Calendars

A product delivery case contains all of the information and functions needed to determine benefit eligibility and to deliver these benefits to the organization's clients. Product delivery case calendars are used to track the activities and events recorded during the different stages of the product delivery case life cycle. Actvities and meetings can also be scheduled concerning a case or a client from this calendar.

The events recorded during the different stages of the product delivery life cycle are either manually created by a user or are system generated as a result of case processing. For example, a case worker can manually create a case referral to schedule a medical examination with a physician who is registered as a service supplier for a person with disabilities.

Examples of some of the system-generated events are:

Some events can be scheduled both automatically and manually. For example, a user can schedule a case review manually or a case review schedule can be set up where case reviews will be automatically created upon case approval based on the schedule.