Using Address to Communicate with a Participant

There are a number of different ways of recording, sending and receiving communications between participants and the organization. Caseworkers can choose an appropriate address from a list of those recorded for a participant when corresponding with the participant. If a communication exception exists for a participant, caseworkers will not be able to send a correspondence to the address type specified in the communication exception. A communication exception is used to indicate that a participant does not wish to receive, or cannot receive, communications from the organization in the format specified. If a correspondent has an active communication exception, a communication cannot be created using that method.

Participant communications received and sent by the organization can be recorded from the communications page of the participant manager. On the recorded communication page, participants can be searched for by their addresses in a separate pop up participant search window. Similarly, when creating Microsoft Word, pro forma and email communications for registered participants; address information can be selected for participants from a pop up address list page for that participant. Addresses must be entered manually for communications to unregistered parties.