Modifying Existing Datastore Schemas

About this task

The following sections outlines the how a user with disabilities can modify an existing Datastore Schema in the administration application:


  1. In the administration application, select the "Administration Workspace" Application Section.
  2. In the Section Shortcuts Panel select the "Intelligent Evidence Gathering" category.
  3. Within this category select the "Datastore Schema" link. This opens a page that contains a search form.
  4. Using the search form, search for the appropriate Datastore Schema and select the corresponding list action button. Select the "Download" option. This allows a user to save an offline copy of the selected Datastore Schema.
  5. Modify the downloaded Datastore Schema script in an XML Editor.
  6. Once complete, import this schema by selecting the "Import" page action.
  7. This opens a modal dialog that contains a form. Enter the name and ID of the original Datastore Schema into the appropriate input field.
  8. Tick the check box labeled "Overwrite".
  9. Select the Schema browse button. This opens a Windows Explorer dialog allowing the modified offline Datastore Schema to be selected.
  10. Once selected, press the "Save" modal dialog button. This validates the XML in the Datastore Schema. If no validation errors are encountered, the Datastore Schema overwrites the preexisting Datastore Schema in the online application.