Creation of a New Rule Set

About this task

The following sections outlines how a user with disabilities can create a new rule set in the administration application:


  1. In the administration application, select the "Administration Workspace" Application Section.
  2. In the Shortcuts Panel select the "Rules and Evidence" category.
  3. Within this category select the "Cúram Express Rule Sets" link. This will open a page that contains a list and an option to create a new rule set.
  4. To create a new rule set, select the "New" page action and enter the rule set name, the display name and category. Note that the rule set name is the technical identifier that will be used later to download the rule set.
  5. To edit this newly created rule set, open the command prompt and navigate to the <application install directory>/EJBServer folder.
  6. Enter "build creole.extractrulesdata -Dcreolerulesetname=<your rule set name> -Dinedit=true" into the command prompt. This will extract the rule set to the <application install directory>/EJBServer/dataextractor/blob folder.
  7. The developer should copy this rule set to their custom component and place it into a Creole Rule Sets folder. Using the preferred XML editor, the developer can define the rules according to the guidelines outlined in the Cúram Express Rules Reference Manual.
  8. Once complete the developer can validate and upload the rule set by using the command line targets "build creole.validate.rulesets" and "build creole.upload.rulesets" respectively.