
This chapter provides details about screening for eligibility which allows a client to determine if he or she is potentially eligible for one or more programs based on a set of high level, guided questions configured by the agency.

The intake worker can perform a screening for an anonymous person, prospect person, or registered person. Potential eligibility for the selected programs is determined by running eligibility rules against the client's responses to the questions. CCI provides the infrastructure to allow an agency to plug in its own screening rules. A list of recommended government programs most appropriate to the client's needs are then displayed to the worker. Urgent alerts may also be displayed if the system identifies that the client has an emergency need.

Once a screening is completed, the intake worker has the option to apply for programs available in the agency, create referrals to programs available from external agencies, or respond to an emergency if one is identified.

A history of screening recommendations is kept for each completed screening and is accessed from the list of screenings for the person. The history record stores the screening date and time, alerts, and the recommended programs.

CCI does not have any preconfigured screening scripts or rules, however the underlying infrastructure allows an agency to configure its own scripts and rules for the programs it wishes to have available to its workers.