
A life event is a situation that occurs in a client's life which may result in a series of transactions between an individual and various public sector agencies (e.g. marriage, birth of a child, or a change in employment). Changes such as these may affect the benefits a client receives and as such it is important that these life changes are reported to the agency. The process for managing a life event differs based on whether the client has an active case(s) or not. Life events functionality is only available for registered persons, and is not available for prospects, as the purpose of life event functionality is to allow an existing client to tell the agency of a change or event in their lives. The intake worker can carry out a triage to determine the needs of a prospect person.

CCI does not have any preconfigured life event scripts or rules, however the underlying infrastructure allows an organization to configure its own scripts and rules for the life events it wishes to have available to its workers.

The section below describes life events functionality which is available in CCI.