Care & Protection Component

The care and protection component displays a summary of a client's programs (examples of programs include food stamps, TANF, unemployment insurance benefits, medical assistance). Using CPI in conjunction with CCV enables agency workers to see a history of a client's programs across agencies, thus providing a holistic view of the client. The information displayed for each program includes the program status, the primary client, if relevant, and the program reference number.

Caseworkers can use this component to identify other programs or other organizations that are more suited to fulfilling the claimant's needs and facilitate the claimant to become more self sufficient and eventually less reliant on social welfare. This component can be used to identify trends within families and use this information to intervene at an early stage. For example, a common pattern in families is for siblings to move from child welfare programs to juvenile justice programs, and social welfare programs in their adult years. By detecting this pattern early, agency workers can intervene for younger family members, thus breaking the cycle of dependency.