Unearned Income - Partially Excluded

The following are types of partially excluded unearned income:

Rental Income

  1. Count Rental Income as unearned income if the individual is not directly engaged in management of property
  2. Disregard costs such as:
    • Property taxes or insurance
    • Interest payments on the mortgage or second mortgage
    • Incidental repairs
    • Advertising
    • Landscaping
    • Utilities

Child support disregard

Irregular Unearned Income

  1. Disregard the first $60 of income received by each household member in any calendar quarter if:
    • The income is not received more than once a calendar quarter from a particular source OR
    • The person cannot reasonably expect to receive the income again
  2. If infrequent or irregular income is received from different sources in a calendar quarter exclude $60 in total