Self Employment Income - Allowable Non Farm Expenses

The following expenses are allowable deductions from gross self-employment income:

Advertising and promotional fees

Bad Debts

Car and Truck Expenses

Commissions and Fees



Employee benefit programs


Legal and Professional services

Office Expenses

Pension and profit sharing plans

Rent or leases

Repairs and Maintenance



Travel, meals, and entertainment


  1. All payments for utilities, including telephone, are allowable deductions for a business that is NOT run in the client's home or the home of any partner in the business OR
  2. If the business is operated in the home of the client or the client's partner, determine the percentage of the home that is used on a regular basis for business purposes and allow the same percentage of the utility costs

Wages paid to employees

Donations to business organizations

Subscriptions to trade or professional publications

Insurance Premiums

Day Care Provider Business costs