Self Employment Income - Allowable Farm Expenses

The following expenses are allowable deductions from gross self-employment income:

Car and Truck Expenses


Conservation Expenses

  1. Deductible soil and water conservation expenses are those that are paid to conserve soil and water or to prevent erosion of land used for farming AND
  2. This deduction may not exceed 25% of the gross income from farming

Custom Hire (Machine Work)


Employee Program Benefits

Feed Purchases

  1. Expenses for feed that was consumed by the livestock in the current year, including prepaid farm supplies AND
  2. Deduct the expense for prepaid farm supplies that does not exceed 50% of the other deductible farm expenses in the year of payment

Fertilizers and lime

Freight and Trucking

Gasoline, fuel and oil

Insurance Premiums


  1. Interest paid to banks or other financial institutions for a mortgage on farmland or other obligations incurred in the farm business AND
  2. If the proceeds of a loan are used for more than one purpose (for example, personal and business), allocate the interest on that loan to each use AND
  3. Only allow the portion of the interest payment that is the farm expense.

Labor Hired

Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans

Rent or Lease Payments

Repairs and Maintenance

Seeds and Plants Purchased

Storage and warehousing

Supplies purchased



Veterinary, Breeding, and Medicine

Advertising and Promotional Fees

Office Expenses

Qualified clean-fuel vehicle property

Legal and Professional services