Resource Deeming

The individuals whose resources shall be deemed is determined as part of the household determination rules. The following happens for each category of individual whose resources shall be deemed:

  1. If the individual is a sponsor, carry out Sponsor to Alien Deeming
  2. If the individual is a major parent who is not included in the assistance unit for Cash Assistance, carry out Parent to Child Deeming (major parent to minor parent)
  3. If the individual is the spouse of an eligible Non Parent Caretaker Relative, carry out Spouse to Spouse Deeming

Deeming Exceptions

Resources from the following individuals are not deemed:

Spouse to Spouse Deeming

  1. Calculate countable resources for the ineligible spouse AND
  2. Deem the ineligible spouse's total countable resources to the eligible individual

Note: Countable and excluded resources are detailed in the Resource Rules chapter.

Parent to Child Deeming (major parent to minor parent)

  1. Calculate countable resources for the parent(s) AND
  2. Deem the ineligible parent(s) total countable resources to the eligible child

Note: Countable and excluded resources are detailed in the Resource Rules chapter.