Deemable Income

For every individual in the income unit whose income is deemed carry out the following steps:

  1. Total the deemor's countable gross unearned income from all sources
  2. Total the deemor's countable gross earned income from all sources including income from self employment
  3. If the individual is a sponsor, carry out sponsor to alien deeming OR
  4. If the individual is a major parent who is not included in the assistance unit for Cash Assistance, carry out Parent to Child Deeming (major parent to minor parent) OR
  5. If the individual is the spouse of an eligible Non Parent Caretaker Relative, carry out Spouse to Spouse Deeming

Deeming Exceptions

  1. Income of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipient is never deemed to any other individual. This applies to all income of the SSI recipient, not just the SSI amount.

Spouse to Spouse Deeming

From the Spouse's gross countable earned Income:

  1. Deduct the $100 Work Allowance AND
  2. Add the countable unearned income AND
  3. Subtract an amount equal to 100% Standard of Need for the number of ineligible individuals, living in the home, not including the eligible spouse AND
  4. Subtract any additional amounts he actually pays to persons not living in the home, but who are, or could be, claimed as dependents for federal income tax purposes AND
  5. Subtract any child support or alimony actually paid by the spouse to individuals not living in the home AND
  6. The remaining amount, if any, is deemed as unearned income to the spouse

Note: Countable and excluded income are detailed in the Income Rules chapter.

Parent to Child Deeming

From the Major Parent(s) gross countable earned Income:

  1. Deduct up to $100 Work Allowance from the gross countable earned income of each Major Parent AND
  2. Add the countable unearned income for each Major Parent AND
  3. Subtract an amount equal to 100% Standard of Need for the number of ineligible individuals living in the home, including the Major Parents but not including the minor parent AND
  4. Subtract any additional amounts he actually pays to persons not living in the home, but who are, or could be, claimed as dependents for federal income tax purposes AND
  5. Subtract any child support or alimony actually paid by each major parent to individuals not living in the home AND
  6. The remaining amount, if any, is deemed as unearned income to the Minor Parent

Sponsor to Alien Deeming

The sponsor definition and sponsor deeming exception rules should be applied when deeming income - See Resource Chapter

Carry out the following process if no Sponsorship Deeming exceptions apply.

  1. For each sponsor, determine the amount of money to be deemed to the alien
  2. From the Sponsor's and their live in spouse (if any) countable earned Income:
    1. Deduct the $100 Work Allowance AND
    2. Add the gross countable unearned income AND
    3. Subtract an amount equal to 100% Standard of Need for the number of ineligible individuals, living in the sponsor's home AND
    4. Subtract any additional amounts he actually pays to persons not living in the home, but who are, or could be, claimed as dependents for federal income tax purposes AND
    5. The remaining amount, if any, is deemed as unearned income to the alien