Caching Provider Information

Provider information is cached to improve performance. A number of configuration settings are provided which relate to the caching of provider information. The cache is an in-memory representation of the configured geocode bias area segmented into a 2-d array. System properties curam.citizenworkspace.num.provider.cache.rows and curam.citizenworkspace.num.provider.cache.cols determine the number of rows and columns that the array contains.

The system property curam.citizenworkspace.triage.expire.provider.cache is used to determine whether the client-side provider cache expires. It is recommended that this is always set to 'YES' so that the provider information displayed matches what is stored on the data base for that provider. Setting this property to 'NO' could result in provider data being out of sync with the providers that are mapped. The system property curam.citizenworkspace.triage.provider.cache.lifespan works in conjunction with the curam.citizenworkspace.triage.expire.provider.cache property. It is used to determine the period (in minutes) that the provider cache will live for. Once the cache has been populated for this period it is automatically reloaded to ensure that it is consistent with the data on the database. The default for this property is 1440 minutes (60 [minutes]* 24 [hours]).