Defining a Question Script, Answer Script and Schema

An IEG script must be defined for the life event if the life event allows a citizen or user to submit information to the agency. The IEG script is used to collect the answers to a set of questions related to the life event. A script name can be specified in the Question Script field. A schema must also be specified if the life event allows for a citizen or user to submit information to the agency. The schema defines where the information submitted by a citizen or user in the life event script is stored. A schema can be specified in the Schema field. An answer script must be specified to allow a citizen to review the answers they have provided to the questions during submission of the life event. An answer script can be specified in the Answer Script field.

On saving the life event, empty template scripts and a schema will be created by the system based on the Question Script, Answer Script and Schema specified. It will then be possible to update these from the Life Event tab by selecting hyperlinks provided on the page. Clicking on the Question Script and Answer Script links will launch the IEG Editor which will allow the scripts to be edited. Clicking on the Schema link will launch the Datastore Editor which will allow the schema to be edited. Existing schema, question scripts and answer scripts can be utilized by selecting them on the Edit Life Event page.

Note: if a life event has been configured to send information to remote systems the Finish Page field in the script properties( accessed by selecting Edit->Configure Script Properties in the IEG Editor) should be set to cw/DisplayRemoteSystems.jspx.

For more information on defining IEG scripts and schema see the Cúram Working with Intelligent Evidence Gathering Guide.