Ordering and Enabling/Disabling Messages

Messages can be ordered by type such that messages of a particular type are displayed first, for example, all payments messages can be configured to display before meeting message types. The Account Messages section allows an administrator to order messages by type. Ordering of messages within a particular type works in conjunction with the priority assigned to messages as well as the effective date of messages i.e. if payment message types are configured to display first in the messages listing, priority messages within this type are displayed first. The effective date is subsequently used to dictate the ordering of the remaining messages. If there are multiple priority messages within a particular type, the effective date is used to dictate the order of the messages.

Types of messages (meetings, payments, system message and so on) can be enabled and disabled. The Account Messages section of the UA administration application provides a list of all message types and allows an administrator to enable/disable messages of a particular type and to define the icons to appear in the citizen account for each message type. Enabling messages of a particular type means that all messages of that type are displayed in the citizen account e.g. all meetings messages (invitations, updates and cancellations) will be displayed in the citizen account. Disabling messages of a particular type means that all messages of that type are not displayed in the citizen account e.g. all meeting messages (invitations, updates and cancellations) will not be displayed in the citizen account.