Configuring Multidisciplinary Teams and Team Members

The main task for configuring predefined multidisciplinary teams is to define the team members. There are three options for selecting team members: selecting from existing team members, adding new team members who can then be selected for other teams in the future, and selecting from existing system users.

Multidisciplinary team members are configured on the View Multidisciplinary Team page. The first MDT member added to a team is the default lead member. The lead member can be changed at any time to any active member of the MDT.

Each team member on the team must fulfill a role within their multidisciplinary teams, e.g., psychologist, teacher, nurse. Roles must be defined before a multidisciplinary team member can be assigned a role. A role can be defined using the New Role page.

The Role field captures the Role name. The Type is used to identify if this role applies to an external user (MDT member) or an internal user (internal system user).

Outcome plan activities (services, actions, referrals) may be shared with external multidisciplinary team members via the collaborative outcome plan. Notes and attachments may be shared with external multidisciplinary team members via the collaborative outcome plan and collaborative investigation. The Sharing options dictate the information that multidisciplinary team members assigned to this role will have access to in the MDT portal. Note these options are only available for roles of type external. Internal system users access is controlled by sensitivity checking. Attachments, Activities and Notes can be shared. For each option the following options are available:

In addition to viewing and maintaining team members as part of an MDT team, configuration options are available to maintain a team member's contact details, define the team member's skills, and add a member to any number of teams from the View Multidisciplinary Team page.

MDT members are assigned a sensitivity level which determines security access to data in the MDT portal. Sensitivity checking is performed by comparing the MDT member's sensitivity level to the sensitivity level of secured data (sensitivity levels range from 1-5 with 5 being the most secure level). The following data is assigned a sensitivity level and therefore may impact MDT member access to that data: discussions, incidents, clients, cases, social enterprise folder transactions, attachments, meetings, communications, meeting minutes.