SEF Status, Case, and Client Transactions

The following table describes transaction types that have been enabled in relation to social enterprise folder statuses, cases, and clients:

Table 1. Transaction Types for Social Enterprise Folder Statuses, Cases, and Clients
Transaction Type Transaction Description Transaction Example Code
Social Enterprise Folder Created <SEF Type> - <caseID> created Child Welfare - 257 created SEFET97
Social Enterprise Folder Closed <SEF Type> - <caseID> closed Child Welfare - 257 closed SEFET98
Social Enterprise Folder Reopened <SEF Type> - <caseID> reopened Child Welfare - 257 reopened SEFET99
Case Added to Social Enterprise Folder <Case Type> - <caseID> added to <SEF Type> - <caseID> Food Stamps - 266 added to Child Welfare - 257 SEFET102
Case Removed from Social Enterprise Folder <Case Type> - <caseID> removed from <SEF Type> - <caseID> Food Stamps - 266 removed from Child Welfare - 257 SEFET103
Client Added to Social Enterprise Folder <Participant Name> added to <SEF Type> - <caseID> John Smith added to Child Welfare - 257 SEFET100
Client Removed from Social Enterprise Folder <Participant Name> removed from <SEF Type> - <caseID> John Smith removed from Child Welfare - 257 SEFET101
Social Enterprise Folder Relationship Created Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with <related SEF Type> - <related caseID> created Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with Child Welfare - 257 created SEFET111
Social Enterprise Folder Relationship Modified Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with <related SEF Type> - <related caseID> modified Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with Child Welfare - 257 modified SEFET112
Social Enterprise Folder Relationship Deleted Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with <related SEF Type> - <related caseID> deleted Social Enterprise Folder Relationship with Child Welfare - 257 deleted SEFET113