Multidisciplinary Team and Team Member Transactions

The following table describes transaction types that have been enabled in relation to multidisciplinary teams and team members:

Table 1. Transaction Types for Multidisciplinary Teams and Team Members
Transaction Type Transaction Description Transaction Example Code
Multidisciplinary Team Added <Multidisciplinary Team Name> added to <SEF Type> - <caseID> Multidisciplinary Team added to Child Welfare - 257 (for predefined MDTs, this will include the MDT name) SEFET109
Multidisciplinary Team Removed <Multidisciplinary Team Name> removed from <SEF Type> - <caseID> Multidisciplinary Team removed from Child Welfare - 257 (for predefined MDTs, this will include the MDT name) SEFET110
Multidisciplinary Team Member Added <MDT Member Name> added to <SEF Type> - <caseID> Dr. Linda Chang added to Child Welfare - 257 SEFET107
Multidisciplinary Team Member Removed <MDT Member Name> removed from <SEF Type> - <caseID> Dr. Linda Chang removed from to Child Welfare - 257 SEFET108
Note: Sample application properties for disabling the multidisciplinary team and team member transactions are provided in Sample Application Properties for Disabling Transactions.