Attachment Transactions

The following table describes transaction types that have been enabled in relation to attachments:

Table 1. Transaction Types for Attachments
Transaction Type Transaction Description Transaction Example Code
Attachment Added <File Name or Reference> file added to <SEF Type> - <caseID> Medical Report file added to Child Welfare - 257 SEFET120
Attachment Modified <File Name or Reference> file modified on <SEF Type> - <caseID> Medical Report file modified on Child Welfare - 257 SEFET121
Attachment Deleted <File Name or Reference> file deleted from <SEF Type> - <caseID> Medical Report file deleted from Child Welfare - 257 SEFET122
File Added to Incident <File Name or Reference> file added to Suspected Abuse incident affecting <Client Name> Medical Report file added to Suspected Abuse incident affecting James Smith SEFET130
File Modified on Incident <File Name or Reference> file modified on Suspected Abuse incident affecting <Client Name> Medical Report file modified on Suspected Abuse incident affecting James Smith SEFET131
File Deleted from Incident <File Name or Reference> file deleted from Suspected Abuse incident affecting <Client Name> Medical Report file deleted from Suspected Abuse incident affecting James Smith SEFET132
File Added to Discussion <File Name or Reference> file added to <Discussion Subject> discussion Medical Report file added to Emergency Benefits discussion SEFET123
File Deleted from Discussion <File Name or Reference> deleted from <Discussion Subject> discussion Medical Report file deleted from Emergency Benefits discussion SEFET124
File Added to Discussion Post <File Name or Reference> file added to <Discussion Subject> discussion posting on <posting date> at <time> Medical Report file added to Emergency Benefits discussion posting on 25/02/2008 at 15:10 SEFET125
File Deleted from Discussion Post <File Name or Reference> file deleted from <Discussion Subject> discussion posting on <posting date> at <time> Medical Report file deleted from Emergency Benefits discussion posting on 25/02/2008 at 15:10 SEFET126
File Added to Meeting Minutes <File Name or Reference> file added to <Minutes Subject> minutes for meeting held on <start date> at <start time> Medical Report file added to the MDT Review minutes for meeting held on 12/12/2007 at 13:15 SEFET134
File Modified on Meeting Minutes <File Name or Reference> file modified on <Minutes Subject> minutes for meeting held on <start date> at <start time> Medical Report file modified on the MDT Review minutes for meeting held on 12/12/2007 at 13:15 SEFET135
File Deleted from Meeting Minutes <File Name or Reference> file deleted from <Minutes Subject> minutes for meeting held on <start date> at <start time> Medical Report file deleted from the MDT Review minutes for meeting held on 12/12/2007 at 13:15 SEFET136
Meeting Minutes Issued Minutes issued to <Invitee Name, Invitee Name> for <Meeting Minutes Subject> meeting held on <start date> at <start time> Minutes issued to John Smith, Dr. Jessica Change for Review SEF Cases meeting held on 12/12/2007 at 13:15 SEFET133
File Added to Communication <File Name or Reference> file added to <Communication Method> communication for correspondent <Correspondent Name> Medical Report file added to Hard Copy communication for correspondent James Smith ET97
File Modified on Communication <File Name or Reference> file modified on <Communication Method> communication for correspondent <Correspondent Name> Medical Report file modified on Hard Copy communication for correspondent James Smith ET98
File Deleted from Communication <File Name or Reference> file deleted from <Communication Method> communication for correspondent <Correspondent Name> Medical Report file deleted from Hard Copy communication for correspondent James Smith ET99