Configuring the Default Type of Discussion Moderator

The application property, curam.ise.sef.discussionsModerator , is used to configure the default type of discussion moderator. The default value is CASEOWNER. This means that by default, the moderator of all discussions in a social enterprise folder, investigation or outcome plan is set to the caseowner. The default type can also be CASESUPERVISOR, MDTLEADER, or USERDEFINED. If the application property is set to USERDEFINED, then a user must be specified as the default moderator (see Specifying a User as the Default Moderator for Discussions).

When the default type is set to CASEOWNER, CASESUPERVISOR, or MDTLEADER, it is possible that more than one user can be assigned to these roles. To assign a single user to the role of discussion moderator, the system must follow set processing, as described in the following table:

Table 1. Process to Determine User Assigned to Role of Discussion Moderator
Default Type of Discussion Moderator Process to Determine User
Caseowner If the caseowner of a social enterprise folder or investigation is a position, organization unit, or work queue, then the system assigns the role of discussion moderator to the supervisor of the social enterprise folder . The owner of an outcome plan can only be a user by default and so the system assigns the role of discussion moderator to the supervisor of the outcome plan. If there is more than one supervisor or no supervisor, then the discussion moderator is set to the system defined moderator. If there is no user assigned the role of system defined moderator, then the discussion moderator is set to the SYSTEM user.
Supervisor If more than one user fills the role of supervisor or if there is no supervisor, then the discussion moderator is set to the system defined moderator. If there is no user assigned, the role of system defined moderator, then the discussion moderator is set to the SYSTEM user.
MDT Leader The MDT leader will be a user but if an MDT has not yet been assigned apply the following hierarchy: 1. Set the moderator to be the system defined moderator 2. If the system defined moderator is not set, set the SYSTEM user to be the moderator.