Summary of SEF and MDT Configuration Options

The following table provides a summary of the social enterprise folder and multidisciplinary team application properties.

Table 1. Summary of SEF and MDT Application Properties
Application Property Summary
curam.ise.sef.casetypes.allowall This indicates whether or not all case types are supported in social enterprise folders. The default is 'NO'.
curam.ise.sef.casetypes This indicates the specific case types that are supported in social enterprise folders. The default is 'CT2,CT5', the codes for product delivery and integrated case types.
curam.ise.sef.client.createrelationship This is used to configure automatic creation of social enterprise folder relationships when new clients are added to a social enterprise folder. The default value is 'YES'.
curam.ise.send.mdtmembers.notifications This indicates whether or not to send notifications to multidisciplinary team members, for example, when a member is invited to a meeting. The default value is 'YES'.
This indicates the maximum number of days following the current date for which tasks assigned to the multidisciplinary team member are displayed on the member's portal home page. The default value for this is 7.
This indicates the maximum number of days following the current date for which meetings the multidisciplinary team member is scheduled to attend are displayed on the member's portal home page. The default value is 7.
This indicates the maximum number of meeting minutes to display on an MDT member's portal home page. The default value is 5.
This indicates the maximum number of days following the current date for which tasks assigned to the MDT member are displayed on the member's My Tasks page. The default value is 30.
This property controls whether or not those clients are starred out so that MDT members can only see information about their own clients. The default value is 'YES'.