
Outcome Management uses service deliveries to deliver CPM registry based services to clients. Service deliveries are appropriate where there are no additional eligibility requirements (other than the fact that the client is already eligible and in receipt of a primary benefit, e.g. TANF) and payment for the service is based on receipt of either an invoice or attendance roster from a provider. However, not all services can be delivered in this manner. Some services may have their own eligibility criteria in addition to that of the primary benefit. Other services may pay the client directly rather than pay the provider. To accommodate these types of services, outcome management supports the delivery of services using product deliveries which optionally integrate with CPM service authorization and invoice processing.

These types of product delivery are a combination of the features of a standard product delivery and a standard service delivery. This allows case workers to utilize product delivery features, such as evidence management, eligibility determination and financial processing along with functionality that is specific to service deliveries such as, provider selection, provider enquiries, reviews, progress reporting and if required for the service, payment based on receipt of an invoice or attendance roster from a provider. Any CPM based service can be configured to use a product delivery rather than a service delivery to provide the service to clients. For detailed information on configuring services, see Section 3.8 of the Cúram Provider Management Guide.

Cúram v6 introduces the concept of dynamic products. These are products that can be implemented purely by configuration using the Cúram Administration Application. Typical development activities such as Java coding, UIM development and compilation are not required. A more detailed description of dynamic products is beyond the scope this document. Please refer to the dynamic products documentation for more details.

Dynamic products are delivered using product delivery cases. Therefore, they can be used to deliver the types of service that cannot be delivered using service deliveries. For instance, a service such as Mileage Reimbursement may be delivered using a dynamically configured product delivery. This type of service is not suitable for delivery using the standard service delivery functionality as it is a payment made to a client based on the amount of mileage the client has traveled to attend work related activities; service deliveries pay a provider based on an invoice or an attendance roster. In addition, there is evidence that must be captured (the distance traveled etc.) and rules that are executed to determine the amount to be payed (the rate may vary depending on the mileage claimed) to the client. The dynamic evidence editor is used to add the mileage reimbursement evidence set and the CER Rules Editor is used to add the rules to determine the amount to be paid (please refer to the appropriate documentation for detailed information on these tools). The remainder of this section outlines the steps that need to be undertaken in order to configure a dynamic product, such as Mileage Reimbursement, to be delivered as a service from an outcome plan.