Configuring Roles

An assessment role is the part a client (or clients) plays in an assessment. Roles must be identified and created by an administrator when an assessment definition is created. There must be at least one role specified for an assessment before it can be run, but multiple roles can be configured. A role can be configured such that multiple clients can fill that role during an assessment.

Roles in an assessment can be specified as mandatory. This means that at least one client must be specified for the role before the assessment can be carried out by a case worker. Administrators can specify whether questions are applicable to a role. If the administrator specifies that questions should not be applicable to a role, then the questions will not be presented for the client fulfilling that role during the assessment. The order in which roles are processed in an assessment can be changed.

An abbreviation can also be specified for an assessment role which can then be displayed in the assessment results rather than displaying the full name of the role.