Associating Assessments with Cases and Outcome Plans

Assessments can be associated with cases and outcome plans. This allows the administrator to configure which assessments can be run from a particular case. This includes integrated cases, service plans, benefit products, liability products, social enterprise folders and outcome plans. For example, a Self Sufficiency assessment may be applicable to a Self Sufficiency outcome plan but not a Reunification outcome plan. Once the case has been associated with an assessment, case workers can then run the assessment for any cases of that type. Two additional settings are provided: The On Home Page setting dictates whether assessment results are displayed on the home page of the associated case. This allows an administrator to display the most pertinent assessment results on the home page of the case. The Assessment Available From dictates where an assessment can be run from within an outcome plan i.e. the assessment can be run from within a review of an outcome plan, it can be run from within the outcome plan itself or it can be run from within a review and from within the outcome plan. For example, the ability to run a Risk Reassessment should only be provided from within a review.