User Creation Options

An action, factor and objective can be added to an outcome plan without the need to administer them in outcome management administration. Some agencies may not want case workers to add these type of user defined items since they are difficult to report on and agencies may want to use a more standardized approach to outcome planning. To cater for this the Create Action, Create Factor and Create Objective indicators allow an administrator to dictate if a case worker can add these types of user defined items. If the Create Action indicator is switched on, a case worker will be allowed to add user defined actions to an outcome plan; if it is switched off an action will have to be selected from a pre-defined list of actions. If the Create Factor indicator is switched on, a case worker will be allowed to add user defined factors to an outcome plan; if it is switched off a factor will have to be selected from a pre-defined list of factors. If the Create Objective indicator is switched on, a case worker will be allowed to add user defined objectives to an outcome plan; if it is switched off an objective will have to be selected from a pre-defined list of objectives.