Grouping Results List by Category

The assessment results list that is displayed on the assessment results page can either be grouped by classification or by category defined for the assessment definition. The assessment results list can only be grouped by category or by classification when a single category is defined for an assessment definition. See Configuring Categories for more information on configuring categories. See Configuring Classifications for more information on configuring classifications.

When the Group Results by Category indicator is selected and a single category is defined, the results are displayed in one list.

When the Group Results by Category indicator is not selected, a single priority list is displayed for each classification achieved in the assessment results.

If multiple categories are defined for the assessment definition, the Group Results by Category indicator is not applicable and the priority selection list is always grouped by category. The assessment results list will not be grouped by classification if multiple categories are defined for the assessment definition. For example, two categories are defined: Need and Barrier. Therefore, two separate assessment results lists are displayed: one list for the Need factors and one list for the Barrier factors.