Associating CDA Or CER With An Assessment Definition

Each assessment definition uses an IEG script combined with either a Cúram Decision Assist(CDA) matrix or a Cúram Eligibility Rule set (CER) to derive the assessment results. The Assessment Configuration drop-down list is used to indicate if the assessment results will be derived using the CDA matrix or a CER rule set. The decision on whether to use a CDA matrix or a CER rule set depends on the complexity of the assessment.

CER can be used for more complex assessments where deriving the assessment results requires rules processing. For example, a Risk Assessment has two factors, Neglect and Abuse. Neglect is classified using classifications of Low (-1 to 1), Moderate (2 to 5), High (6 to 8) and Very High (9+). Abuse is classified using classifications of Low (-1 to 0), Moderate (1 to 3), High (4 to 6) and Very High (7+). The assessment produces a risk level which is derived from the highest of the classifications for Neglect and Abuse i.e. If the household being assessed is classified as Moderate for Neglect and Very High for abuse, the risk level is Very High. This type of processing requires a CER rule set. In addition, this Risk Assessment allows for overrides whereby the user can override the assessment results. CER is required to implement the override processing for this assessment.

CDA can be used for assessments where results can be derived without rules processing. For example, a Caregiver Strength and Needs (CSN) assessment contains nine factors. Each factor has one question with four possible answers. The assessment result for each factor is derived from the answer provided by a user.

Note: A new CDA or CER assessment can be added to this list during CDA and CER administration. See Appendix A, Configuring a CDA Assessment which outlines a step by step example of how CDA is used to derive assessment results. See Appendix B, Configuring a CER Assessment which outlines a step by step example of how CER is used to derive assessment results.