Creating an Eligibility Ruleset

After the organization has finalized the question script and schema, business rules logic must be defined to analyze the answers provided to the questions. This analysis will make a determination on whether the citizen is potentially eligible to apply for available programs or not. The system inputs the answers to the question script into the Cúram rules engine, which then runs the defined business rules logic against the data. The output of this process is a list of programs that the citizen may be either eligible or ineligible for. The results are displayed on the Am I Eligible page of the Universal Access portal.

Business rules are written using Cúram Express Rules (CER). The CER rules can be designed to provide detailed explanatory text to help the citizen understand the decisions regarding potential eligibility. To create a CER ruleset for the screening object, the Ruleset field in the New Online Screening modal should be completed. On saving the record, an empty rules template will be created by the system. It will then be possible to update the ruleset from the Screenings tab by selecting the hyperlink provided on the page. Clicking on the link will launch the CER Editor which will allow the ruleset to be edited. For more information on writing CER rules see the Working with Cúram Express Rules guide.