What Are its Goals and Objectives?

The goal is the result that the plan is intended to achieve for one or more clients, for example, Self Sufficiency, Reunification, Adoption. The system allows the organization to define the goals and client goals that the plan is intended to achieve. Outcome plans can be configured to support goals for a plan, goals for any of the clients on the plan, or both. Based on the goal, objectives can be defined to provide the client with incremental steps that will ultimately lead to the achievement of the outcome plan goal. Examples of objectives include, Lead a Healthier Lifestyle, Remain Clean and Sober.

For example, an organization focused on helping families become less reliant on state benefits may configure a self sufficiency plan with a goal of Self Sufficiency. The objectives configured for the plan could be to Find a Job and Lead a Healthier Lifestyle. Workers can decide which objectives to add to each outcome plan, based on each family's individual circumstances.