How Is Progress Tracked?

Organizations typically want to track progress on different aspects of the outcome plan. Outcome Management provides the ability to track progress on the outcome plan itself, as well as on goals, objectives, factors and actions. Progress can be updated on each of these items by the worker at interim reviews over the duration of the plan.

The main ways that a worker can monitor progress on an outcome plan is by carrying out reassessments and plan reviews. The system allows the organization to specify if reassessment should be available for a configured assessment, and if so, what the frequency of reassessment should be.

Plan reviews are set up to allow the worker to assess the suitability and appropriateness of actions, goals and objectives on a plan. The organization must consider the following options for configuring reviews:

The system allows the organization to specify that an assessment is carried out as part of a plan review. For example, a child welfare organization may intend to have Caregiver Strengths and Needs and Child Strengths and Needs assessments available on a reunification plan, and Risk and Reunifications assessments available on the reunification plan review.