Defining and Associating Factors with an Outcome Plan

Factors can be configured which do not form part of an assessment, but are required as part of an outcome plan. This supports the adding of factors that are assessed by third party providers to outcome plans. If a requirement exists to record the results of an assessment carried out by a third party provider, an outcome plan factor can be configured to accommodate this. If outcome plan factors are configured, they can be associated to a particular outcome plan type, so that a worker can then add them to an outcome plan if required. For example, a General Education Diploma (GED) assessment may be carried out by a third party and the organization may be interested in capturing the result of this on self sufficiency outcome plans, so a GED outcome plan factor is configured and associated with the self sufficiency outcome plan type. This factor is then available for workers to add to outcome plans of this type.

The main considerations when configuring outcome plan factors are as follows:

Once the factor has been configured, it can be associated with the outcome plan. Multiple factors can be created and associated with an outcome plan. Factors can also be shared across multiple outcome plans if required. Recommendations can also be associated with the outcome plan factor when it is created. Recommendations are described in more detail in Configuring Actions and Recommendations.