Is Collaboration a Requirement of the Outcome Plan?

A number of configuration options are provided if collaboration is a requirement of the outcome plan. If sharing is enabled, a Collaboration tab is displayed on the outcome plan which will allow the worker to add a multidisciplinary team to the outcome plan and will enable collaboration tools which include discussions, meetings, meeting minutes, actions, notes and attachments. The organization can specify that multidisciplinary teams are pre-defined, or whether a worker can add members to each multidisciplinary team on an ad-hoc basis. Both internal agency workers and external users such as doctors and teachers, can be added to a pre-defined or ad-hoc multidisciplinary team.

For example, a Child Welfare organization may involve multi-disciplinary teams in the planning process for child welfare outcome plans. The team members for a child's outcome plan may include the child's teacher, social worker, doctor and counsellor. The team members will work together, share information and update each other on the child's progress toward achieving his or her goals.