Defining Roles for an Assessment Definition

The required roles must be added to the assessment definition after it is created. Roles are defined for role and group-based assessments.

For role-based assessments, the questions asked in the assessment are applicable to one or more clients satisfying defined roles. It is possible to configure for a particular role whether questions should be asked of the client satisfying that role.

For a group-based assessment, the questions asked are not applicable to a specific role, instead questions are asked for the entire group. However the clients who satisfy the specified roles may be captured for information purposes.

Role configuration options dictate the validations that are displayed to a worker when selecting roles for an assessment. For example, if the role of Primary Caregiver for a Caregiver Strengths and Needs assessment is defined as mandatory, a validation will be displayed to a worker if a client is not selected to satisfy the Primary Caregiver role at the start of the assessment. The following considerations should be taken into account when specifying these options: