Creating Entity Mappings

Entity mappings create a mapping between a source datastore entity and a target evidence entity without specifying a link between individual entity attributes. An entity mapping causes the creation of a target record for each source record that exists. When used in conjunction with the set value functionality, the entity mapping can be used to specifically populate target data when a source record is created. Set value allows an entity attribute, which does not have a datastore attribute directly mapping to it, to be set to a constant value when an evidence record is created. Entity mappings can be used to allow a source attribute be mapped to a target attribute of a different type.

Entity mappings are created by clicking on the '>>' icon on the title bar of the source datastore entity, dragging the cursor across the workspace and dropping it onto the title bar of the target evidence entity. When the drag is initiated, a representation of the entity trails the cursor to indicate that it has been "picked up". When the cursor moves out of the datastore entity and into the workspace, a mapping line extends from the entity to the cursor.