
This batch process is used to raise a workflow event 'WAITLIST. WAITLISTENTRYSELECTEDFORREVIEW' to generate wait list review tasks for all the eligible wait list entries that are due for review. The eligible wait list entries are all the wait list entries with review dates on or before the batch processing date. If there is no review date set, then it is derived by subtracting the configured status review reminder period from its expiry date. The status review reminder period is configured by the system administrator using the 'curam.waitlist.statusreviewreminderperiod' property. For example, if the Wait List review date is on the 30th and the status review reminder period is set as 5, then the batch process 'WaitListReview' raises the workflow event to generate the wait list review task on the 25th. For successful generation of the review tasks, the property 'curam.batchlauncher.dbtojms.enabled' should be set to true and appropriate values must be defined for 'curam.batchlauncher.dbtojms.notification.host' and 'curam.batchlauncher.dbtojms.notification.port' properties. These properties are configured by the system administrator. The batch process would be scheduled to run daily.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is curam.core.sl.intf.WaitListReview.processWaitListEntriesDueForReview.