
This batch process performs full propagation of rate table database data to rule objects.

This process should be run whenever there is reason to believe that stored CER rule objects no longer accurately reflect their source rate table database data. Discrepancies can occur whenever incremental propagation of database data has been bypassed, e.g. if rate tables are updated outside of the control of the application.

Note: In general you should not need to run this program unless you have made large numbers of changes to rate tables outside of the application's APIs - if you have made a small number of changes then you can use the "Apply Changes" action in the online administration application.

A summary of discrepancies found is written to the standard application logs. For detailed logging of all processing, the log level should be set to verbose or ultra-verbose.

The batch process takes no parameters.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is curam.core.sl.infrastructure.propagator.intf.FullPropagationToRuleObjects.execute.