
When a client is added to a wait list for a resource, an expiry date can be specified. The expiry date could be entered by the user, or created by the system. This batch process is used to expire a wait list entry if the client is neither allocated a resource nor removed from the list before the expiry date is reached. The process expires the Wait List entry if the Wait List expiry date is on or before the batch processing date, and if the Wait List entry is in the 'Open' state. If the Wait List requires the renumbering, then the system renumbers the Wait List by decrementing by 1 the position of all the Wait List entries in an 'Open' state, and with positions higher than or equal to the position of the expired entry. After the Wait List Entry is expired, the process raises a workflow event 'WAITLIST. WAITLISTENTRYEXPIRED'. It is expected that this batch process would be scheduled to run daily.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is curam.core.intf.ExpireWaitListEntry.expireWaitListEntry.