
This batch process is provided to process newly approved cases, and record decisions in respect of these cases. Any ineligible cases will be set to pending closure by this process, and cases that are eligible will be set to active. If an error occurs processing a case, it will be suspended and the case owner notified by email or via a task.

It is expected that this program be run nightly, but other than a longer run time and the potential for approved cases to be unprocessed until the program is run again, no problems will result from running this less frequently. Running this program more than once a day, will process all approved cases on the system at that point in time; no problems will result from running the program this way.

This batch process takes the following parameters:

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is curam.core.intf.DetermineProductDeliveryEligibility.process.