
This batch process is provided to identify and perform full reassessment on a large number of "Active" CER cases of a given product type. For any cases where the determination changes as a result of this reassessment, the new determination will be stored and the old one superseded.

Important: As this process will cause reassessment of all cases of the specified type, it may cause a lot of unnecessary reassessments. Where appropriate, a new batch process should be written in order to more precisely identify the cases that require reassessment, especially when the cases are spread across a range of products. For a full explanation of how to write an appropriate batch process see the Inside Cúram Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules guide.

You can run this program when you have made changes to the system that affect a large number of CER cases, and you want to force the system to reassess cases by product (rather than leaving the Dependency Manager batch suite to determine the order in which to reassess cases1).

The type of changes that can affect a large number of CER cases are:

This batch process takes the following parameters:

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is
1 See the Inside Cúram Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules guide for full details on how to choose whether to use this batch process in addition to or instead of the Dependency Manager batch suite.